
Part I: The Five Types of Toxic Coworkers

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on February 27, 2011 in Quality of Life

We’re all just trying to make a living and it helps to have friends who all get along — but some people are particularly adept at making it worse than it has…

The five types of toxic coworker: Identify and beware

Managers: The Arrogant Bastard

Posted by Jeff Hayes on February 21, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the second article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad. Poor managers like the Arrogant Bastard represent a real risk to the companies for which they work.  It…

The arrogant bastard is to be avoided

Five Steps for Becoming a Good Customer

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on February 15, 2011 in Business

There are two sides to any transaction and, generally speaking, the level of support and loyalty depend on how each side treats the other. As a business — or one of its…

Why should I try to become a good customer? How do I benefit?

Managers: The Innovator

Posted by Jeff Hayes on February 8, 2011 in Quality of Life

As promised in the introduction to this series of articles about Managers: The Good and the Bad, we’ll focus firstly on “The Innovator”. Innovators are those leaders who can easily view the…

The innovator is sometimes a better leader than manager