This is an introduction to agile thinking as it is realized by organizations in the process of getting things done – specifically as it relates to information technology – and to serve…
Archive of Tag 'agility'
Agile organizations are the most likely to be resilient, have the happiest employees, and provide true leadership in their fields of endeavor.
Posted by Jeff Hayes on January 30, 2019 in Agile
Context... agility, feedback, project management, risk management, scrum
Posted by Jeff Hayes on April 30, 2014 in Technology
Google has become one of the most successful companies in history, in part due to its ability to tell us who we are. Asking metaphorically, Is Google a prophet? Can it predict…
Context... agility, culture, feedback, innovation, productivity
Posted by Tim Holdsworth on September 30, 2011 in Business
Reality TV. The mere mention can produce a visceral, less-than-positive reaction: Shallow. Waste of time. Zero intellectual or entertainment value. Garbage. Indicative of all that’s wrong with America. Or is it? If…
Context... agility, business strategy, feedback, management
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