Archive of Tag 'leadership'

Top 10 Problems Facing C-Level Executives

Posted by Jeff Hayes on January 29, 2024 in Coaching

At any given point in time corporate executives are mired in the problems and opportunities of modern day business. For executives in Fortune 500 companies, the following list represents the top 10…

Top 10 Problems Faced by Executives

Corporate Culture Drives Agile Transformation

Posted by Jeff Hayes on April 23, 2019 in Agile

What does it take for an organization to become “fully agile?” The short answer is desire: The desire to… Improve customer satisfaction Engage employees more fully Produce greater value for the organization…

Culture Drives Agile

Scrum Master Personality Types for Maximum Benefit

Posted by Jeff Hayes on March 27, 2019 in Agile

How does a company identify and hire an excellent Scrum master (SM)? Finding the right kind of person assures an organization that it can exceed its average return-on-investment on “projects;” see Erin’s…

From CartoonStock by Artist Kate Taylor

Yes, Use LinkedIn to Reach Out… But Stop Oversharing

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on May 29, 2014 in Business

When it comes to LinkedIn, many of us have a love/hate relationship. We love it as a way to keep up with colleagues and make new professional connections, but we hate some…

Using LinkedIn to Your Best Advantage

American Story? Small Town Story?

Posted by Jeff Hayes on November 28, 2012 in Community

Does Bedford Falls really exist or was it just a figment of Frank Capra’s imagination for the perfect town in his film “It’s a Wonderful Life?” And are there other such idyllic…

Is there a 'real' Bedford Falls out there somewhere?

Do you need digital detox?

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on May 31, 2012 in Health and Wellness

Are You Device Dependent?  Here are six sure signs that you need to do digital detox: You use your mobile device in the restroom. You use the word ‘hashtag’ in common conversations….

Do you need to unplug for a little while?

Think Local, Act Local – Part III

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on June 12, 2011 in Community

Sustainable development practices — conserving energy, reducing carbon emissions and protecting natural resources — are increasingly becoming ‘the norm’ for businesses and individuals. However, if you’re just getting started or are looking…

Think local by saving energy

Managers: The Everyday Evangelist

Posted by Jeff Hayes on May 23, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the fifth article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad. Twenty years ago, in 1991, it was quite a novelty for someone to have in their job title…

The everyday evangelist has a lot of energy

Think Local, Act Local Part II

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on May 15, 2011 in Community

In our last post on this issue, we discussed sustainability, which is about providing the best for people and the environment — now and for the indefinite future. Several organizations in the Fox…

Think local by becoming a steward for sustainability

Managers: The Artful Dodger

Posted by Jeff Hayes on March 25, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the fourth article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad.  Do you happen to know any managers who CAN NOT accept responsibility for anything that happens?  Nothing pertaining…

The artful dodger never seems to be responsible for anything that happens